Order Awakening True
If you want to wake up this could be the spark that causes ignition. Awakening cannot be forced, but encouragement, focus and fire absolutely can be what it takes.
Awakening True is short and strong, and will point you right into the space where waking up can easily become more probable. It's as simple as that. If there was such a thing as good luck I'd wish it for you. Instead I say "Go for it". Impossible to lose anything. Currently available in soft cover: The resources mentioned in the book are available for download here:
(hint: right click and select "Download link as:") "Record What is Found" - Printable journal pages to keep track of what shows up Journal "4 Kinds of Pointers" - Three helpful versions for a quick and portable reminders of what is awakening, why you want it, what is required and the focus that it brings Half-sheet Wallet sized Keep the fires burning.